The number of children was ever increasing and more Portuguese children were part of the project. The need for a bigger space emerged. In the village there was a larger space, near the forest. In Eva’s words: “We had close to twenty-five children. With the help of the parents, we repaired the house and we built a playground. The relation with the local community was also improving. We participated in the village’s celebrations”.

In 1996, when the “Escola da Primavera” closed its doors, a new situation arose. More and more people were interested in the activities of the kindergarten.

It became a meeting point for parents and friends interested in Anthroposophy and in Waldorf Education. Many events took place then: fairy tales by Luísa Barreto; anthroposophic meetings; natural dying workshops; meetings with parents with the support of Ana Abreu; eurhythmy classes with Pamela; a reading group with José Tavares and Manuela Caneco... Always with the help and support of Margit. Those were good and intense times.

Our kindergarten was developing in harmony.

We shared experiences and we learned a lot from other people connected to Anthroposophy: in Portugal, Leonor Malik, Luísa Pereira, Fritz Wessling; also with Heidi Bieler, at the time representing the Waldorf kindergartens of Spain.